
Sunday 6 January 2013

The Whalley Reviews: Hellsing Ultimate. Part Two

Welcome back to my review and personal tribute to a series which has shocked me, entertained me and also... stolen my heart. So let's get right down and continue where we left off this is my personal tribute and review of...

Hellsing Ultimate.
"The Bird of the Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame."

Right, before I begin a reminder that this series is gory, sick and AWESOME!!! Anytime time for the anti-heroes/villains of the series. The Iscariot Organization (also known as Vatican Section XIII.)

First up is the character who we know so little about, Father Renaldo. As I've said we know so little about this character, but why am I mentioning him? Because even if he's in a few episodes I think he still needs to be mentioned. He's just a priest. He seems to act (like Walter to Integra two characters I will get to.) as a 'bodyguard' to Maxwell (a character I'll be getting to in a minute), and appears to wield a sword, although he only brandished its hilt briefly. Not much to say about him, but a cool brief character.

Now be prepared, because next up is a nun with a katana! O_O I know! This is, Yumiko Takagi. Yumiko is a timid, quiet nun with Multiple Personality Disorder who is a pacifist and is easily frightened and acting in a cute timid manner. However, when her glasses come off, her alter-ego, Yumie, is unleashed. Yumie is impulsive and violent, showing no fear of anything and preferring to negotiate using the sharp end of her katana. (In other words... Don't. Fuck. With. HER!) She seems to genuinely enjoy killing people, having almost superhuman strength: she is adept enough to kill her victim from outside the room, and is capable of smashing heads into walls with her bare hands. Yumiko has often commented how hard it is for her to "get Yumie to sleep" after she has been provoked into action. Her raw strength, fearlessness and fearsome katana skills make her the ideal partner to Heinkel, who is cool-headed and analytical. Speaking of her partner...

Heinkel Wolfe. He is an assassin agent for the Iscariot organization, who usually partners with Yumie. Heinkel is usually seen with two pistols as a preferred weapon, often acts as a bodyguard for Maxwell but it was only the one time you see this in the OVA anime. Like I mentioned he's cool-headed and analytical and is the perfect  partner for Yumiko's alter-ego Yumie, mainly to keep her in check and to also make sure she doesn't kill anyone they need to integrate for information. Also before you ask, I don't know much about her looking like a man but it's believed she's possibly intersexual. 

Next up is the overzealous leader of the Iscariot, Enrico Maxwell. Maxwell controls his subordinates with an iron fist. However, his seemingly blind devotion to his mission often makes his underling Alexander Anderson (Another character I'll get to.) question his motivations.For example, during the standoff between Alucard and the Millennium-led police forces in Rio de Janero, Anderson watched the scene unfold on the news with a mixture of revulsion and fury, while Maxwell seemed to revel in the ensuing violence.Maxwell seems to suffer from a facial tic when he is excited, characterized by repeated twitching of his left eye. I'm not going to lie, Maxwell is just a power-crazed maniac who simply wants nothing but power and control. Now time for Alucard's main rival and adversary...

Father Alexander Anderson.

A paladin, or warrior priest, who works for the Iscariot Organization. Like Hellsing's Alucard, Anderson is Iscariot's trump card, except that he is a human, rather than a vampire. However, Iscariot has enhanced Anderson through some kind of genetic engineering, turning him into a being known as a Regenerator. His mission (both personal and professional) is the destruction of all of Hell's demons, including Hellsing and Millennium. To complete this mission, he uses his arsenal of blessed bayonets and sometimes his bare hands.On his gloves, there are inscriptions written across the crosses drawn on the back. The right hand says "Jesus Christ is in Heaven". The left hand says "Speak with Dead". This is later changed to "Speak with The Dead" and in his last few appearances said "Iscariot Section XIII". He carries an obsession for what appears to be his "crusade," and compulsively quotes passages of the Holy Bible as he speaks. He is extremely determined to achieve his end, usually by whatever means necessary. His words and his constant quoting of scripture indicate a clear, almost fanatical obedience towards "the word of God". Despite all his almost insane lust for killing, he has a pure and kind heart, he works at an orphanage in the manga and OVA and acts very kindly towards the children under his care. He also looked after Maxwell, Yumiko and Heinkel when they lived at the orphanage. I fecking love Alexander! This character is just legend written all over him! We know very little of his past, but from what we see I'd say it was very tragic and sad. That being said he by far (and in my opinion) one the best anti-heroes ever lived! Also.... THIS IS ONE FUCKED UP PRIEST!!! 

"If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let them be accursed at His coming. God save you from your fate.
Father Alexander Anderson.

So, that raps up the second part of my review and tribute to Hellsing Ultimate, but join me next time friends. For it is time to meet our heroes and the character who will be remembered as a true vampire!

And with that I'll leave you with one of my favorite lines from Alexander Anderson.

The Whalley.

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