
Friday 1 February 2013

The Whalley Reviews: Hellsing Ultimate. Part Three

Here it is. The final part of my review and personal tribute to a series that will (in my opinion) live on forever.

Welcome to the final part of my tribute to...

Hellsing Ultimate.
"The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame."

Well it's finally time, time to talk about the heroes of the series. The Hellsing Organization. So let's get right down to it, first up is...

Pip Bernadotte. He is the leader of the group of mercenaries known as the Wild Geese and head of the security of the Hellsing. Pip and the Wild Geese were hired by the Hellsing Organization in the aftermath of the Valentine's Brother's rampage of their main headquarters to help bolster their numbers. he's a skilled fighter, a marksman, a
master leader and battle tactician. Pip has an interest in Seras (a character I'll get to), and tries to pursue her. Oh! Did I mention he's French? However, Pip has a Swedish/French origin. (Kind of complicated due to the writer/creator not making it clear in the series.) I like this guy, he's brave confident and very, very French! What more can I say?! I will also point out that you get to know a bit about his men too! 
And what a bunch of lads too! Loyal to their leader and each other, they are very skilled. Its members are remarkably mixed in ethnicity, age, and background. Most of the members were equipped with either MP5s, M4A1 carbines or AK-74's along with automatic grenade launchers and machine guns. So yeah, don't mess with them! Right next up is...

Walter C. Dornez. Walter is a 69 year old retired member of the Hellsing Organization. At the beginning of the series, he acted only as Integra's (another character I'll get to) butler. However, he later lived up to his old nickname, the "Angel of Death", when Hellsing was attacked, possessing tremendous combat skill on par with or exceeding many supernatural beings. Walter has the typical persona of a butler, following the orders Integra. However, due to his years of working for the Hellsing Organization, he is close to Alucard in a friendship and that is also in a similar way to his relationship with Integra. Walter is calm, quite formal, and a level-headed person. His combatant skills come from years of service to the Hellsing Organization as well as his intelligence with weaponry. He is still one of the organization's most capable operatives, wielding high-velocity mono-molecular wires with incredible skill and precision. This guy is the shit! I mean it, I can't not think of a more scarier mother fucker from England!... Well maybe Jack the Ripper comes second, but Walter is just a... wow! And considering what happens later in the series it's no wonder why so many people still like him. (myself including.) Next is...

Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. A descendant of Abraham Van Helsing (From the Bran Stoker's novel.) and the Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization. She inherited the headship of the Hellsing family at the age of 13 (12 in the manga), upon her father's death. She is beautiful, intelligent, and strong. Integra has a very collected attitude, rarely allowing her emotions to get in the way of business. However, she is sometimes prone to bouts of anger. As the Hellsing family is "on a mission from God," she values her duties to protect the United Kingdom, its Queen, and the Anglican Church above everything else. For her, failure is not tolerated, especially her own. Although she often seems strict and domineering she is respected and admired, even among her sworn enemies. She runs the Hellsing Organization with charisma and patriotism, she is one of the few people who can stand up to the force of Alucard's personality and command his respect. My god, do not get her angry! I'm not joking! But for her strictness, she's very soft at heart and when something happens to her men she becomes deeply concerned and wants nothing more then to try and make things right. And I'm not going to lie...
Integra is SOO cute at 13! 

Right next up...

Seras Victoria. A 19-year-old orphan. Seras was formerly a member of the police force's Special Division 11, after being mortally wounded on a mission by Alucard, chose to join him in the ranks of the undead, rather than accepting death. She now serves as Alucard's fledgling vampire, and, through him, serves Integra and the Hellsing Organization. Although she primarily uses weapons such as her Harkonnen, Seras is well-trained in hand-to-hand combat and can easily take down opponents using brute strength; Seras is often considered a tomboy; a very brave, strong and heroic young woman who often rejects following orders of her master that cross with her personal beliefs. Her devotion to morals and integrity is rather unusual, considering her horrid past. However, she is a loyal and trustworthy soldier who will diligently follow the orders of her commander, provided said commander has proven his or her worth. Her level of maturity in comparison to the other characters is somewhat questionable; she seems to be the child the others could not be, yet possessing a sort of worldly maturity and superficial intelligence that most other characters lack, as well as a sort of 'nature winning against nurture' mentality, as opposed to most other characters. And...
My god... she's hot!

And now finally please welcome...


The series main protagonist, and anti-hero. As the Hellsing Organization's most powerful warrior, he serves as its special "trump card". He has a vast range of supernatural techniques and is an expert gunfighter, as well as having enhanced strength. He has a massive ego, and frequently gives enemies more than one chance to kill him before retaliating, if only to demonstrate his enormous powers. He fights with ferocity and often-extreme cruelty, rarely shooting to kill until his target has been totally disabled and humiliated. However, he does seem to have some small shred of humanity left in him, as he is still capable of shedding tears, taken by Alexander Anderson to mean that he is not completely lost. As he is essentially immortal and invincible, Alucard is very egotistical. He freely taunts and belittles his opponents, often allowing them to inflict seemingly fatal wounds before healing himself and obliterating his enemy. One of his favorite methods is allowing himself to be blown to shreds before simply flowing back together. It can accurately be stated that rather than killing his opponents, Alucard breaks them. He is not only a vampire, but also one of the most ancient ones, his original life dating back into the 1400's. Like I said earlier Alucard is no mere vampire; it has been implied that he is the most powerful vampire, as well as the most powerful entity in the entire series. He is devoted to his master Integra and was close friends with the Hellsing butler, Walter C. Dornez. He also has feelings of admiration towards his fledgling, Seras Victoria. The history of this guy is FUCKING HUGE! I'm not even kidding here, I mean... by god he's over 500 years old! And in both the manga and the OVA it really shows. He has been called by many titles and I do mean, many. Here's some of the titles he is called; Bird of Hermes, Vlad Dracula III, Vlad Tepes, No-Life King, Count, Dracula, Vlad the Impaler and The Count. Let some of those names sink in and then you know Alucard is more then just another vampire. Oh and word to the wise...
Don't mess with a real fucking vampire. (Yeah, Edward I'm looking at you. -_-)

Well that finally concludes my review and personal tribute to Hellsing Ultimate. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have talking about the series, I love and I shall see you all next time.

And so for the final time,
"The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame."
The Whalley.

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